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Foodie TreeInParadise

A Perfect Carrot Cake

TreeInParadise 24 Sep 2553 13:05:37 9450 view

สูตรA Perfect Carrot Cake


You will need
3 medium Eggs
300 g Carrots , peeled and grated
4 vegetable oil
120 g Demerara sugar
50 g Walnuts , chopped
180 g plain white flour
180 g plain wholemeal flour
1 ground cinnamon
50 ml milk
2 tsp bicarb of soda
200 g full fat soft cheese , FOR ICING
120 g icing sugar , FOR ICING
30 g soft unsalted butter , FOR ICING
2 lemon juice , FOR ICING

Cooking Time:
35 minutes
Oven Temperature:
180° c - 360° f

0 ชม. 30 นาที

1 ชม. 0 นาที

10 คน

ความอร่อย 1 ดาว ความอร่อย
ความสวยงาม 1 ดาว จัดจานสวยงาม
ความสร้างสรรค์ 1 ดาว เมนูสร้างสรรค์



    Step 1: Heat The oven for carrot cake.
    Heat the oven to 160°C fan (180°C/gas 4). Grease a deep 18cm round cake tin.

    Step 2: Carrot cake mix.
    Beat the eggs in a large bowl, then add the carrots, oil, sugar, and walnuts. Mix well. In a separate bowl, combine the flours with the cinnamon. Gently stir the two mixtures together until half combined.
    Heat the milk in a pan until warm, then remove from the heat and stir in the bicarbonate of soda. Add this liquid to the cake mixture and stir together until just combined. Do not overmix.

    Step 3: Test the Carrot Cake.
    Pour the mixture into the cake tin and bake for 30–35 minutes.
    Test if the cake is cooked by piercing the center with a skewer: it should come out clean. If not, return to the oven and bake for a further 5 minutes, then test again. Leave to cool in the tin.

    Step 4: Frosting the Carrot Cake.
    Place all the ingredients for the frosting in a food processor and process until smooth (or beat with an electric mixer or wooden spoon). Cover the cake all over with the frosting. Refrigerate until set before slicing.

    How To Cook A Perfect Carrot Cake

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